hello, I just found your blog, wow. its awesome. I like all your stuff, especially the bird one , the lamps one, and the woodcut of a face with what looks like pen drawing over it? Do your pictures have names? or are they just happy being pictures on their own? just curious. oh yes, and the 3rd one on your blog - of the dog, thats brilliant, i love it.
thank you kindly
great blog and truly wonderful stuff u got in here! rock on! :)
I just found your blog, wow. its awesome. I like all your stuff, especially the bird one , the lamps one, and the woodcut of a face with what looks like pen drawing over it? Do your pictures have names? or are they just happy being pictures on their own? just curious.
oh yes, and the 3rd one on your blog - of the dog, thats brilliant, i love it.
i'm thinking of naming/commenting on the stuff. maybe one day. thanks for liking.
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